Important Career Advice: Fresh Graduates, Junior & Mid Level Construction Executives.


The “CDC Mentor” — A Mentoring/Coaching Programme on Construction Disputes and Claims especially designed for you.

Do you wish to:

*** How to get a head start in construction law with our online executive mentoring/coaching programme

*** Why your college curriculum on construction law is not enough and what you can do about it

*** Want to know what you ought to know but don’t in order to better manage construction disputes and claims more effectively ?. At the same time be aware of the rules of Construction Law that most of you are unaware of.

*** Accelerate your knowledge of Construction Law in 24 Sessions or less compared to my experience of acquiring them over 30+ years.

*** How to boost your career prospects in construction law from experts with our co-sharing of fees initiative for just USD 30 per person per session.

*** The ultimate guide to mastering construction law under the three major legal systems in the world

This comprehensive online mentoring/coaching programme is designed to equip you and your course team leaders with vital and critical skills in Contract Review, Contractual risk assessment, and Construction Law under Common, Civil and Sharia Law Countries around the world, offered through weekly 1.5 hours sessions held regularly.

Course Curriculum: The CDC Mentoring/Coaching programme consists of Construction Law under the 3 Major Legal System around the World in 24 Sessions divided into 3 Modules to a small group of not more than 5 members for better reach & knowledge retention.

It is based on a unique curriculum that is a FIRST in the world on the never before revealed contents, as such will never ever be covered in any TWSS route of learning.

Programme Benefits: The course aims to enhance your awareness and understanding of potential risks relating to Construction Disputes and Claims under the 3 legal system (Common, Civil & Sharia) currently in use around the world.

Pricing and Subscription Options:

The CDC Mentoring/Coaching programme is economical, with each session costing :-

*** USD 150 per Session for up to 5 participants on a group basis — suitable for construction companies who wants to enhance the contract handling capabilities of their current contract team leaders.


*** Individually at USD 30 per person per Session comprising of a small group of 5 participants per group. If you do not have a Group, don’t worry as we will find and form a group for you from different parts of the World. All you have to do is just register at and we will do the rest for you.

Course Outline: Divided into 3 Modules of 8 Sessions per module. Each Module can be subscribed to individually. But to be eligible for registering a Module, it must be subscribed sequentially.

Module One : Pioneer Level (8 Sessions)

Demystifying and Understanding Construction Law under the 3 legal system (Common, Civil and Sharia) across the world. The nuances, intricacies and modalities of each legal system. Then the similarities and differences between them will be covered.

Do not be misled by the word “Newbie” used to described this level as the knowledge covered are way beyond the snippets of information that you have picked up under the TWSS route.

For starters you will be mentored/coached and made aware of basic fundamentals of Construction Law with are universal and which applies ONLY under the Common Law legal system — such as Sources of Law, its hierarchy, the sanctity of Contract with the Sharia equivalent and how it is applied to Private Law , Procedural Ultra Vires, Contracting Out which are Universal and why they are permitted under all 3 legal system, and a slew of other basic fundamentals that are ONLY applicable under the Common Law legal system.

In short, you will be mentored on a lot more other essentials fundamentals of Construction Law that you ought to know when operating under any of the 3 legal system but unfortunately don’t.

Module Two : Specialist Level (8 Sessions)

Advanced Level of Understanding and better handling Construction Law under the Common and Sharia Law legal system.
The nuances, intricacies and modalities of each legal system will be covered in depth.

Module Three : Guru Level (8 Sessions)

Main focus will be Demystifying and Understanding Dispute Resolution, Adjudication (both Private & Statutory), the pro and cons between the different ADR methodology, Arbitration (both Local and Uncitral ) and Litigation under the three legal system in the world (Common, Civil and Sharia)

Special Features:

Flexible Curriculum: Depending on a consensus with your course team mates, the proposed curriculum can be interchanged to cover more Sessions on Sharia, Civil or Common Law topics as required.

Convinced that this is the First in the world with such content and the best post graduate mentoring/coaching programme especially curated to enhance your chosen career path in Construction ? — then proceed to fill out the registration form at,

or send me a message to:-

What’s App at +6012–2673918,
My email at

My LinkedIn Messenger at

OR book an exploratory chat with Steven Chin (the Contract Claims Guru) before you decide to enrol at

Appointment Request Form

Need more details before you decide ? Then feel free to discover more.

Course Outline: Divided into 3 Modules of 8 Sessions each. Modules can be subscribed to individually. But to be eligible for registering a Module, it must be subscribed sequentially.

Module One : Poineer Level (8 Sessions)

Demystifying and Understanding Construction Law under the 3 legal system (Common, Civil and Sharia) across the world. The nuances, intricacies and modalities of each legal system. Then the similarities and differences between them will be covered.

Do not be misled by the word “Newbie” used to describe this level as the knowledge covered are way beyond the snippets of information that you picked up under the TWSS route.

For starters you will be mentored/coached and made aware of basic fundamentals of Construction Law separated into those which are universal and those which applies ONLY under the Common Law legal system.

Universal fundamentals such as Sources of Law, its hierarchy, the sanctity of Contract with the Sharia equivalent and how it is applied to Private Law , Procedural Ultra Vires, Contracting Out which are Universal and why they are permitted under all 3 legal system together with a slew of other basic fundamentals that are ONLY applicable under the Common Law legal system.

In short, you will be mentored on a lot more other essentials fundamentals of Construction Law that you ought to know when operating under any of the 3 legal system but unfortunately don’t.

Module Two : Specialist Level (8 Sessions)

Advanced Level of Understanding and better handling Construction Law under the Common and Sharia Law legal system.
The nuances, intricacies and modalities of each legal system will be covered in depth.

Module Three : Guru Level (8 Sessions)

Main focus will be Demystifying and Understanding Dispute Resolution, Adjudication (both Private & Statutory), the pro and cons between the different ADR methodology, Arbitration (both Local and Uncitral ) and Litigation under the three legal system in the world (Common, Civil and Sharia)

Special Features:

Flexible Curriculum: Depending on a consensus with your course team mates, the proposed curriculum can be interchanged to cover more Sessions on Sharia, Civil or Common Law topics as required.

Our expert instructors and interactive sessions will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to stay ahead of the curve in your career path.

Salient Positive Points of the CDC Mentoring/Coaching Programme™:
*** Special Note
: We reiterate the unique feature of these Sessions which are not available under the TWSS route of training programmes:-

1. Clear objectives: Each session has a specific objective, which helps participants understand and know what they ought to know but does not for better Contract Management and Administration on Site,

2. Cancellation with no question asked: Subscribers are free to cancel their subscription after using any advance they have made (in blocks of 6 Sessions) if the CDC mentoring/coaching programme if they feel it will no longer meet their needs.

3. Interactive elements: The inclusion of group discussions, case studies, role-play exercises, and discussions on common real live scenarios and challenges adds practicality and engagement to the learning process. Based on the motto — “Teach a man how to fish and you will feed him for life”

4. Gradual progression: The entire programme is organized in a logical sequence by the 3 Modules, building upon concepts from one session and modules to another, which facilitates better learning retention. Participants will not be allowed to progress to the next Module without completing the previous module.

5. Practical application: Emphasizing the identification of risks, obligations, and procedures under real-life contracts allows participants to directly apply their learning in their professional roles.

The Course Curriculum:

Module One : Pioneer Level (8 Sessions)

Session 1 to 8 — Course Curriculum of the “Acquiring A Solid Foundation of Construction Law in 8 Sessions — Newbie Level

· Session 1–2 : Introduction to Construction Law around the world An Overview using Time Zones and Geographical Context as an analogy. Introduction to Common Law, Sharia Law, and Civil Law, Sources and the Hierarchy of Law. Differences between Common Law, Sharia Law, and Civil Law based on the Sources of Law and its hierarchy.

· Session 3–4 : Courts Comparative Study of Different Legal Systems in Construction Law. Introduction to Statutory Law and Private Law which are the primary source of Law under all 3 legal system. The extremely important Sanctity of Contract, Pacta Sunt Servanda and the Sharia Law equivalent and how it regulates the interpretation of Construction Law when conflict arises in between Statutory Law and Private Law under the hierarchy of the Sources of Law.

· Session 5–6 : Universal fundamentals and rules of Construction Law applicable in all 3 legal systems, what are they ? and their applicability. Basic but extremely important fundamentals like Procedural Ultra Vires, Unjust Enrichment, Contracting out and why it is allowed, Severability of Contract Terms and Conditions in the event of uncertainty to the extent of not being able to be made certain, Time Bars and why are they allowed and enforced, and a lot more.

· Session 7–8 : The basic fundamentals of Construction Law which are unique and applicable ONLY to the common law legal system. Fundamentals such as the Prevention Principle, Time at Large, the Romalpa Clause, Injunctions such as the Mareva Injuncyion, the Caldebank offer, Concurrent Delay, the Contra Proferentem Principle, Estoppel and many more.

Module Two : Specialist Level (8 Sessions)

· Session 1–2: What is Common Law and how it is different from the other two legal system which is the Civil and Sharia. Introduction to the key Legal Jargon used under the Common Law legal system and understanding their importance such as Stare Decisis, Case Law ( both local and foreign), Pari Passu, the hierarchy of Courts and its powers of creating Case Laws, the Superior and Inferior Courts, Written & Unwritten Law, Statutory Law, Private Law, Procedural Ultra Vires, Duty to mitigate etc. Their relevance and application in Construction Law under the Common Law legal system.

· Session 2–4: A comprehensive look into Case Laws , its creation by the superior courts and the various concepts and principles created specifically for application on future cases. Delve deeper into the Prevention Principle, Time at Large, the Doctrine of Estoppel, and other concepts and principles that are unique ONLY for use under the Common Law legal system

· Session 5–6: What is Sharia Law, the nuances, intricacies and modalities under the different school of thoughts of Islamic Jurisprudence and even between the same school of thoughts but in different middle east countries. Concentration will be on the Construction Law as practised in Saudi Arabia as it is the model for Sharia Law in the world.

· Session 6–8: A comparative study of Sharia law as practised in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain. The differences in the Sharia s practised in each individual country to understand the nightmare in pursuing to win a Construction Disputes and Claims in these countries.

Module Three : Guru Level (6 Sessions)

· Session 1–2: Construction Disputes and Claims Matters — Part 1

· The importance of Legal Reasoning and Judicial Thinking in improving your chances of success when handling Construction Disputes and Claims. How to acquire such skills.

· Strategies for Dispute Avoidance and Resolution

· Legal Considerations in Managing Claims

Session 3–4: Construction Disputes and Claims Matters — Part 2

· Construction Claims: Identifying breaches and legal basis, Evaluation and Documentation. How to prepare clear and concise disputes and claims documents.

· Analysis of Delay and Disruption Claims

· Presentation and Defense of Claims

· Session 5–6: Termination of Construction Contracts. Legal Grounds for Termination of Construction Contracts Consequences and Claims Arising from Contract Termination

· Session 7–8: Dispute Resolution in Construction Law Overview of Dispute Resolution Methods: Arbitration, Mediation, Litigation, and Adjudication. The Pros and Cons of Each Dispute Resolution.


I have also created one What’s App Discussion Group and 3 LinkedIn Forum Groups and if you wish to join, please click on the one which interest you the most.

1# The International Construction Law Group on What’s App at

2# “FIDIC 1999 & 2017 Suite of Contracts | Group” | LinkedIn.

3# “Contract Claims Management Group — Construction Industry” | Groups | LinkedIn.

4# For those residing or working in Malaysia — “ PAM 2018 and Construction Law in Malaysia” | Groups | LinkedIn

Cheers, Hope you had a Happy Reading and Wishing you Good Health Always.



Steven Chin ( The Contract Claims Guru ).

Construction Dispute + Claims Specialist on FIDIC 1999 & 2017 .. Online Advisor for Contracts in Crisis. Reachable at, What's App +6012-2673918