My Musings on Construction Law Week No:6A

Today the topic is “Sources of Construction Law” — It’s impact on Claims and Disputes.

I have 3 queries from a reader this week who is from Nepal. His queries are in relation to Clause 19 (as amended in the PCC) of FIDIC 2017 Red Book. He pointed out that it is in conflict with the Prevailing Law in his country with regard to the Project Insurance Deductibles. The minimum deductibles stated in the Contract Documents are lower than those allowed under the Prevailing Law. His queries are :

  1. In general, If the terms of the Insurance stated in the Contract inconsistent with the prevailing Law — Which will prevail ? The Provisions of the Contract or the provisions of the Prevailing Law ?

2. Is an amendment of the Contract required so that terms on the Contract and Prevailing Law can be made identical ? What remedies are there if the Employer stays silent and delays the amendment Process ?

3. Subject to points 1 and 2, who bears the risk of loss and damage until the Comprehensive Policy is submitted as per Clause 19 of GCC/PCC ? . In this case the Engineer insists that the Contractor is not relieved from his obligation and does not accept the submission which are not as per the terms of the Prevailing Law.

For an answer to the 3 questions, you need to know the construction rule of law which is commonly known as the Hierarchy of the Sources of Law.

In my country which is Malaysia under the Common Law legal system, the hierarchy in the order of priority are :

Federal Constitution

Statutes/Acts aka Written Law

Rules of Equity

Common Law aka “Stare Decisis”

Private Law aka Unwritten Law (Contract Terms and Conditions)

The hierarchy works in the same manner as the Order of Priority under Clause 1.5 of FIDIC 2017 where the higher ranking will take precedence. This means simply that in the hierarchy of the sources of law, the prevailing law which is the written law will override all lower ranking laws. In simple lay man terms, this means that the Statutes and Acts will take precedence if there is a conflict.

So to answer your question :

1. Prevailing Law will take precedence and as such the Insurance Regulations will override whatever is stated in the Contract.

2. There is no need for any amendments to reconcile the Contract Terms with any Prevailing Law as in all instances the Prevailing Law will override and take precedence over the terms and conditions of the Contract, which is aka Unwritten Law.

3. Based on the answers in 1 to 3 above, I am sure you are able to comprehend that failure to comply with the prevailing law is a breach of the law and as such damages will be borne by the maker of the breach. In this case the Engineer is right in rejecting the Insurance Submission procured by the Contractor which is in compliance with the Contract but not the Prevailing Law.

The above is an interesting case and appears to be a conundrum at first glance. However it is not so if you analyze it according to the sources of law as practised under the jurisdiction of the contract.

On the point of jurisdiction, kindly take note and be aware that each particular country could have different sources of law which will dictate a different set of applicable construction law.

The Hierarchy and Sources of Law is different under the Sharia Law legal system , for example in Bahrain they are :

Sharia (Supreme Law)

Bahrain Constitution

Royal Decree

Ministerial Decree — Enacted Civil Codes

Court Judge Discretion

Private Law (Contract Terms and Conditions). P/s only refereed to as “Unwritten Law” in Common Law Countries

As can be seen when compared to the Common Law legal system, the Rules of Equity and Common Law are not recognized as a sources of law and as such inapplicable under Bahrain jurisdiction.

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Want to know more about rules of Construction Law that most of you are unaware of (by virtue of what you are taught in college are too shallow to be of any use in your career path ) ?

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1# The International Construction Law Group on What’s App at

2# “FIDIC 1999 & 2017 Suite of Contracts | Group” | LinkedIn.

3# “Contract Claims Management Group — Construction Industry” | Groups | LinkedIn.

4# “ PAM 2018 and Construction Law in Malaysia” | Groups | LinkedIn — For those residing or working in Malaysia —

Cheers, Happy Reading and Wishing you Good Health Always.

Steven Chin ( The Contract Claims Guru ).

Construction Dispute + Claims Specialist on FIDIC 1999 & 2017 .. Online Advisor for Contracts in Crisis. Reachable at, What's App +6012-2673918